Gifford Bioscience is a preclinical contract research organization (CRO) providing receptor pharmacology services for lead optimization in drug discovery research. These include radioligand binding and uptake assays, occupancy studies and autoradiography. We also offer label-free SPR and functional GPCR assays.
We are a premium provider. We adhere tightly to our core specialism and our scientists all hold PhD’s.
We undertake standard or custom assays on our customer’s samples to our customer’s specification. Additional capabilities include assay design, cell culture, in-house production of membrane preparations and assays requiring human or animal tissue.
We are based at The BioHub Birmingham, on the University of Birmingham’s research park. We maintain strategic relationships with the University for access to its Human Biomedical Resource Centre, Protein Expression Facility and Biomedical Services Unit.
Read about some of our recent collaborations here.
Contact us for a chat. We are always happy to discuss potential requirements and assay design.
The Management Team

Dr Andrew Gifford
Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer
Andrew was previously a Senior Scientist in the radiopharmaceutical development program at Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York. As a Principal Investigator, he has been responsible for the preclinical development of a variety of radiolabeled drugs. Techniques employed in his academic laboratories were primarily radiometric ligand binding and occupancy assays, radiolabeling chemistry and autoradiography.
Andrew is a graduate of Imperial College, London and was awarded his PhD in Pharmacology by the University of St. Andrews.

Mr Macer Gifford
Managing Director
Macer is a banker by profession. His 25 year career in finance has spanned numerous senior roles. Most recently, he was Deputy Group CEO at Ahli United Bank. Macer was previously a Managing Director then Group Head at Standard Chartered PLC, where he assumed overall responsibility for the management of the Group’s balance sheet.
Macer is a graduate of the London School of Economics and a Sloan Fellow of the London Business School.

Dr Kevin Thompson
Chief Operating Officer
Kevin has a wealth of industry experience, encompassing both sides of the big pharma (Knoll Pharmaceutical) / CRO (BioFocus) relationship. In his 25 year career, Kevin has also worked for several biotechs: he joined Gifford Bioscience in 2019 from Chronos Therapeutics, where he was director of Screening and Operations. Kevin has a deep knowledge of in vitro screening applied to diverse therapeutic targets. He uses his in-depth understanding of binding kinetics to oversee our SPR (Biacore) assay services.
Kevin is a Biology graduate and was awarded his DPhil in Neurobiology, both at Sussex University.
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